June 12, 2012

Potters and their Mentors

I've had many wonderful mentors along my clay path, one being Linda McFarling. She has been very influential to my work, encouraging, supportive and even let me fire her soda kiln for three years when I didn't have another kiln to fire in.  All of the invited potters and their mentors wrote small statements about each other, here's a glimpse of mine:

"Long before I met Linda McFarling I knew of her pots.  In the early days of working in clay, I remember leafing through magazines and books seeing pictures of Linda’s salt fired pots leap out from the page.  In college I was fortunate to learn how to fire my work in a soda kiln, and later, after moving to Asheville, NC, I began firing a salt and soda kiln as a Resident Artist at the Odyssey Center for the Ceramic Arts.  It was there that I first met Linda, teaching a class, and what turned out in the beginning to be sheer awe and respect for this wonderful potter has turned now into an ever growing relationship as mentor and caring friend. Throughout the years I was greatly influenced by Linda’s beautiful pots, her salt and soda firing knowledge, her work ethic, and her ability to encourage and inspire." 

Invited NC Potters:
Blaine M. Avery, Patty Bilbro, Jason Bige Burnett, Kyle Carpenter, Naomi Dalglish, Susan Feagin, Samantha Henneke, Michael Hunt, Matt Jones, Shaunna Lyons, Stephanie Martin, Kelly O'Briant, Gillian J. Parke, Ronan Kyle Peterson, Ron Philbeck, Emily Reason, Amy Sanders, Liz Zlot Summerfield, Joy Tanner, Julie Wiggins

Artist Mentors: Linda Arbuckle, Tom Bartel, Margaret Bohls, Joyce Bryan, Val Cushing, Becca Floyd, Steven Forbes-deSoule, Tom Gray, Mark Hewitt, L.T. Hoisington, II, Dwight Holland, Oh Hyang Jong, Jennifer Kincaid, Michael Kline, Leah Leitson, Suze Lindsay, Linda McFarling, Ron Meyers, Tom Spleth


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